4. Discussion
The top three answers to Question 14 are ‘all the other cars are banned’ with the highest number of “votes” 23
(which is equal to 58.97%), the second place is the answer ‘they had a better design’ with 22 votes (56.41%) and
the third place is saved for answer ‘they were cheaper than petrol and/or diesel alternatives’ with 20 votes
(51.28%). As the primary hypothesis was suggesting, the results of this question are proving the truthfulness of it.
This means that if people did not have any other alternative vehicles to drive, then the choice is basically for the
electric ones. This means if the government adopted any sanctions against all other vehicles then people would
definitely buy and moreover drive those cars. The second highest scored criterium is the design of electric
vehicles. Obviously people are more concerned with the external and internal looks of the car they are driving.
So this is a good point for the producers of electric vehicles to pay attention to. Surprisingly enough the prices of
electric vehicles were not on the first place. This means that either the respondents did not have any financial
difficulties in acquiring a new vehicle or the price is not an important factor. Most of the respondents are ready
to spend from £5,000 - £20,000 on a new vehicle