Materials and Methods
Plant Materials
Inflorescences of Dendrobium ‘Khao Sanan’
without pretreatment were obtained from a commercial
grower near Bangkok. Export-grade inflorescences,
with 5-10 open flowers and 5-7 flower buds were
selected for freshness and uniformity. They were
harvested in the morning and were wet-packed in
carton boxes and brought to the laboratory within 2 h
after harvest. The second, third, and fourth of fully
open flowers from the individual stem end were
excised at the distal end of pedicels with a sharp
razor blade and placed immediately in 10-mL vials
containing distilled water. All flowers were held in
a room with natural light (~12 h per day; ~15 µmol
photons m-2 s-1). The temperature and relative
humidity of the air-conditioned room were the
average of 25o
C and 80%, respectively.