By maintaining the soil water content (SWC) at 75–80% or50–55% of field water capacity (FWC), wetness or drought stresswere provided to the plants, respectively. SWC was determinedgravimetrically every 5 h by weighing pots from six o’clock in themorning to nine o’clock in the evening. When SWC reached below75% of FWC, the appropriate amount of water was added to the soilto maintain SWC in the 75–80% range in the wetness treatmentconditions. In the rewatering treatment condition with droughtstress, no water was added to the soil during the first 2–3 days toallow water to dissipate from the soil. Then SWS was maintained at50–55% of FWC by weighing pots and adding appropriate amountsof water.