(b) Hedge accounting:
An entity shall not change its hedge accounting before the date of transition to this
FRS for hedging relationships that no longer exist at the date of transition. For
hedging relationships that exist at the date of transition, the entity shall follow the
hedge accounting requirements of Section 12 Other Financial Instruments Issues,
including the requirements for discontinuing hedge accounting for hedging
relationships that do not meet the conditions of Section 12.
(c) Accounting estimates.
(d) Discontinued operations.
(e) Measuring non-controlling interests:
The requirements:
(i) to allocate profit or loss and total comprehensive income between noncontrolling
interest and owners of the parent;
(ii) for accounting for changes in the parent’s ownership interest in a subsidiary
that do not result in a loss of control; and
(iii) for accounting for a loss of control over a subsidiary
shall be applied prospectively from the date of transition to this FRS (or from such
earlier date as this FRS is applied to restate business combinations—see
paragraph 35.10(a)).