That’s right. Advertising in good old-fashioned newspapers and magazines and it still works for networking marketing. Look at the number of business opportunity adverts listed in your local newspapers. They’re not put there for the good of their owner’s health or as some sort of experiment – they’re placed in those newspapers because they work and generate a profit.
If you want to know how to place and optimise an offline ad then look at how other people are advertising. Look at the size of their ad, the fonts and layout that’s used and then go about creating your own version of that without copying it wholesale.
Most people worry about the best ad placement on a page but all you need to do is think about how you read a newspaper or magazine. Still thinking? OK what happens is that you turn the page and your eyes automatically track to the top left corner of the next page – that is the Goldilocks zone of newspaper advertising and you need to be there.
If that slot isn’t available then the top right hand corner of the opposite page is your next best bet – you’ll notice that out of habit you automatically look there next if there’s nothing in the top left corner of the page in front of you that interests you.