It is quite in keeping with the proclaimed goals of the democratic reforms all over the
East Europe, even in Serbia and Yugoslavia, to introduce the rule of law, that is, to establish a Rechsstaat. As far back in the late 1980s, a long-standing attitude in effect that
anything expressly allowed under the law shall be considered permissible was judged as
wrong. Instead, upon the wording of the abandoned paragraph, the newly proclaimed and
into the constitution included, but otherwise for a long time well known, principle should
be followed that it is free, i.e., allowed anything that for good reasons is not forbidden
under the law. It is in conformance with all these changes to implement the idea of
decentralization (in view of the exaggerated administrative centralization), deregulation
(in view of the earlier exaggerated, irrational and detailed regulating) and both local and
regional self-government.