RFID has a vast potential to facilitate integration and
coordination among the SC partners by enabling the sharing
of information regarding the demand forecasts and
Fig. 1 Research framework
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production schedules that dictate the SC activities [21]. By
using RFID, food traceability can be accomplished,
enabling the tracing and following of food, feeds, and foodproducing
animals throughout the production and distribution
process. Cheese manufacturers are able to trace the
product along the SC with great precision [42]. The
introduction of RFID has reduced the labor associated with
performing inventory counts of shelved goods, has
improved theft prevention, and has enabled better control
of the entire SC [7]. Additional benefits can thus be derived
from real-time information availability, data sharing
through the whole SC, and improved visibility [12]. The
implementation of RFID will also help improve the decisions
related to stock replenishment through the
availability of more accurate inventory information, thus
improving the SC performance [29].