1.Victim is a supervisor of wire forming process.
2.Victim heard noise from roller inside of wire forming machine when she did wire
forming operation.
3.Victim opened the safety cover of wire machine (④) and take an antirust oil by left
hand to spray roller (⑤) but the wire machine power wasn't turn off at that time.
(The antirust oil spray point according to production status. Once around 7~30 days.)
4.Victim also unconscious put her right hand on the wire (⑤) then her index finger,
middle finger and ring finger follow the wire moving be caught by rear bigger rollers.
5.Victim's fingers crushed on fingernail position of index finger, middle finger
and ring finger of right hand.
Cause :
1.The safety sensor (⑥) of wire machine was blocked by dust, so it was not activate.
2.Victim's safety mind and awareness were not enough. (Victim transgressed
"Troubleshooting Safety Rule" have to turn off power before troubleshooting operation.)
1.To establish a rule for the antirust oil operation.
2.Installion of alarm (⑥&➆) when wire machine safety cover be open will buzzing. (Completed)
3.Installing more one safety power off sensor (➇&➈) at another side. (Completed)
4.All of concern operators and managers/supervisors re-education. (Completed)