ND020 - Negligent Driving RUH
If an overtaking vehicle signals that it must move in, in front of you, you should -
- Prepare to slow down to allow room.
- Speed up and not let the vehicle back in.
- Flash your lights at the overtaking vehicle.
ND021 - Negligent Driving RUH
The first thing you should do before overtaking is -
- Make sure it is safe and the way is clear of oncoming traffic.
- Sound your horn.
- Increase your speed.
ND028 - Negligent Driving RUH
If you are convicted of driving with a blood alcohol level that is over the limit for your licence, you
could lose your driver’s licence. You may also -
- Be sent to prison.
- Be restricted to driving an automatic vehicle.
- Have a personal speed limit imposed on you.
ND030 - Negligent Driving RUH
If you are convicted of dangerous driving -
- You could lose your licence and may be sent to prison.
- You could only be fined and given demerit points.
- You could be given demerit points only.
ND031 - Negligent Driving RUH
You are travelling in the left lane and wish to turn right at the intersection. You move to the right
lane and a driver behind sounds their horn at you. What have you done wrong?
- Crossed an unbroken lane line.
- Driven too slowly.
- Changed lanes unnecessarily