Anemia is a condition characterized by abnormally low levels of healthy red blood cells or hemo Anorexia nervosa is primarily an illness that manifests itself in the mind. A person afflicted with this disease refuses food because of a debilitating fear that he or she will gain weight. The word anorexia means absence of hunger; orexia: the Greek word for appetite and the prefix an- meaning without. This self-starvation does more damage than the anorexic may realize. Without sustenance, the body is unable to work properly and keep a homeostasis so it tries to adapt to the “diet” by slowing down to reserve calories or energy. This slowing down of the metabolism, heart rate, and blood pressure is not the only consequence; the chemicals derived from food which are no longer available cause most if not all organ systems not to work sufficiently. The cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and digestive system are all hindered and possibly damaged by lack of a healthy diet. Luckily, with further research of the human genome, two new hormones were found that may help treat those who suffer from anorexia. Medication alone is not beneficial in recovering from anorexia, psychotherapy as well as a new structured diet are all key components in becoming a healthy functioning person once again.
globin. Anorexia nervosa is primarily an illness that manifests itself in the mind. A person afflicted with this disease refuses food because of a debilitating fear that he or she will gain weight. The word anorexia means absence of hunger; orexia: the Greek word for appetite and the prefix an- meaning without. This self-starvation does more damage than the anorexic may realize. Without sustenance, the body is unable to work properly and keep a homeostasis so it tries to adapt to the “diet” by slowing down to reserve calories or energy. This slowing down of the metabolism, heart rate, and blood pressure is not the only consequence; the chemicals derived from food which are no longer available cause most if not all organ systems not to work sufficiently. The cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and digestive system are all hindered and possibly damaged by lack of a healthy diet. Luckily, with further research of the human genome, two new hormones were found that may help treat those who suffer from anorexia. Medication alone is not beneficial in recovering from anorexia, psychotherapy as well as a new structured diet are all key components in becoming a healthy functioning person once again.