World's energy demand increasing significantly because of population growth and industrial evolution. It is important to note that the population has increased by 2 billion just in one genera- tion and major contribution has been given by developing coun- tries. Preventing an energy crises in one of the most casual issues of the 21st century. Energy demand is therefore increasing fast as to meet the requirements of growing population in the world. Different countries in the world have their own strategies, plans, policies and control measures to establish themselves in the world. As of the population growth and development initiatives, resour- ces available in the world are getting depleted [1]. Considering energy sources is therefore very important as they play a key role in satisfying the need of the world and living population. Acces- sible energy is not sufficient to people, because of several reasons such as developmental profile of a country, economic status of people and nature of technological advancements of the country. Ecosystem is polluted heavily because of the emission of various gases generated from burning of fossil fuel which are readily available and commonly used for satisfying energy demand of the world [2]. Developing countries are now put into pressure to search for the sources of energy as their population growth is high and they are seeking for economic development to become eco- nomically viable [3]. As economic development takes place, energy demand also increases since it is proportional to economic growth. Though many techniques are proposed for increasing energy generation capacity, many people are still living in non-electrified areas of developing countries. Introducing non renewable energy sources would not definitely meet energy demand since they are exhaustible and limited source of energy [4]. All the countries should be in a position to use the resources to recover energy for setting up an environment conducive for human survival for long time. However, it is not practiced properly at the moment to carry