„However just golden flash bird, was Senior Luo Pan issues me, he has waited till the space slit, I can return to Eastern Sea Region now.” Chu Feng said truthfully.
„According to this logic, but also is really a good news.” Immortal Tong Tian said.
„Yes, perhaps therefore the senior, you must help me open the door of transforming, put me to exit.” Chu Feng said.
„Is taking this, you then can come and go out my this gate of transforming freely, after leaving here, you can also accurate finding, my this gate of transforming position.” Immortal Tong Tian, has given Chu Feng a key.
This key, is very unusual, before Immortal Tong Tian, the gate of opening transforming, if looks like very much, but the only difference is, that Immortal Tong Tian used before is very big key, but Chu Feng this is very exquisite, only then the size of pinky.
Very obviously, gate of this transforming key incessantly, but now Immortal Tong Tian, this so precious key, has actually given Chu Feng.
„The many thank senior, that junior this departed, must return to the matter of Eastern Sea Region as for me, but also the exhausted senior, passed on to the king they.” Chu Feng does not want to lose the least bit time, the preparation walks now.
„Good, I deliver you.” Immortal Tong Tian said with a smile.
Afterward, Immortal Tong Tian personally Chu Feng, before having then delivered to the gate of transforming.
But Chu Feng also with that the small key, in the lower left of gate of transforming, turned on a door.
This door, reaches as high as three meters, compared with the main gate of gate of transforming, is very indeed small, but is used to travel together, actually is also enough.
„Senior, issue I am very puzzled.”
„This gate of transforming, hidden in void, nobody knows its trail, even if found comes, why may the golden flash bird that also nobody enters, had found me? And entered here?” Chu Feng is very puzzled asking.
Is Dragon Mark level Royal-cloak World Spiritist, he can feel this fierce of gate of transforming, although half Ancestor is strong, living that but this gate of transforming indeed keeps off.
But is such one, can keep off lives in the half Ancestor place, cannot block the golden flash bird unexpectedly.
Initial biting blood killing formation was also same, similarly could not block the golden flash bird.
Therefore Chu Feng to this unusual life, has filled really curiously.
„Transformed Menyuan in the ancient times, the golden flash bird also similarly stemmed from the ancient times, the two had various mysteries respectively, but you, if asked that my I did not understand.”
„If wants to know that diligently practices, in the future will enter beyond the heavens, grew in experience, could explain all sorts of riddles, but before that you may probably live well.” Immortal Tong Tian meaningful saying.