In today's complex and uncertain world, simply l-mowing how to use tools for
gathering information is not enough to remain competitive. Industry specialists
are reporting that people at every organizational level must be creative and
flexible problem solve-rs—an ability based on knowledge construction skills and
not simply information gathering skills {Lynton, 1989). Even members of the
"blue collar” workforce are required to demonstrate an advanced level of
problem solving skill in order to attain and retain employment. For example,
employees working on computerized/ robotic assembly lines need to be able to
troubleshoot problems involving highly technical and advanced machinery. This
requires the ability to flexibly use past experience and knowledge to address new
problems. Employees working in customer service jobs must be able to diagnose
a customer’s problem and find information to solve that problem within a few
Consequeiitly, learning to think critically and to analyze and synthesize
information to solve technical, social, economic, political, and scientific problems
are crucial for successful arlci fulfilling participation in a mocierri, competitive
society. Changing circumstances and societal needs have strengthened the link
between eclucation—specifically, what happens in the higher education
classrourn—and the f.'Ec1n(Jn'iy. I-Iovvew.-r, according to l_.y1-ntun L198‘), p. 23), "At
this is far from fully contributing to the economic well—being of
this country [United Statesl.” ll is difficult to give people the inclividual attention
they need to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills in a typical
In today's complex and uncertain world, simply l-mowing how to use tools forgathering information is not enough to remain competitive. Industry specialistsare reporting that people at every organizational level must be creative andflexible problem solve-rs—an ability based on knowledge construction skills andnot simply information gathering skills {Lynton, 1989). Even members of the"blue collar” workforce are required to demonstrate an advanced level ofproblem solving skill in order to attain and retain employment. For example,employees working on computerized/ robotic assembly lines need to be able totroubleshoot problems involving highly technical and advanced machinery. Thisrequires the ability to flexibly use past experience and knowledge to address newproblems. Employees working in customer service jobs must be able to diagnosea customer’s problem and find information to solve that problem within a fewminutes.Consequeiitly, learning to think critically and to analyze and synthesizeinformation to solve technical, social, economic, political, and scientific problemsare crucial for successful arlci fulfilling participation in a mocierri, competitivesociety. Changing circumstances and societal needs have strengthened the linkbetween eclucation—specifically, what happens in the higher educationclassrourn—and the f.'Ec1n(Jn'iy. I-Iovvew.-r, according to l_.y1-ntun L198‘), p. 23), "Atthis is far from fully contributing to the economic well—being ofthis country [United Statesl.” ll is difficult to give people the inclividual attentionthey need to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills in a typical
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