The potential benefits of tomato-rich diets for the cardiovascular system have been related to plasma
concentrations of carotenoids. In addition, the bioavailability of carotenoids from foods depends on their
chemical structure, processing and the food matrix. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of adding oil to
tomato juice (not treated with heat) on the bioavailability of plasma carotenoids and postprandial lipid
response. In a randomized, controlled, crossover feeding trial, eleven healthy volunteers were assigned to
receive a single ingestion of 750 g of tomato juice (TJ) containing 10% of refined olive oil/70 kg body
weight (BW) and 750 g of TJ without oil/70 kg BW on two different days. All lycopene isomers increased
significantly in subjects consuming TJ with oil, reaching the maximum concentration at 24 h. LDL
cholesterol and total cholesterol decreased significantly 6 h after the consumption of TJ with oil, which
significantly correlated with an increase of trans-lycopene and 5-cis-lycopene, respectively
The potential benefits of tomato-rich diets for the cardiovascular system have been related to plasmaconcentrations of carotenoids. In addition, the bioavailability of carotenoids from foods depends on theirchemical structure, processing and the food matrix. Our aim was to evaluate the effect of adding oil totomato juice (not treated with heat) on the bioavailability of plasma carotenoids and postprandial lipidresponse. In a randomized, controlled, crossover feeding trial, eleven healthy volunteers were assigned toreceive a single ingestion of 750 g of tomato juice (TJ) containing 10% of refined olive oil/70 kg bodyweight (BW) and 750 g of TJ without oil/70 kg BW on two different days. All lycopene isomers increasedsignificantly in subjects consuming TJ with oil, reaching the maximum concentration at 24 h. LDLcholesterol and total cholesterol decreased significantly 6 h after the consumption of TJ with oil, whichsignificantly correlated with an increase of trans-lycopene and 5-cis-lycopene, respectively
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