The worldwide heparin contamination crisis in 2008 led health authorities to take fundamental steps to better control heparin manufacture, including implementing appropriate analytical and bio-analytical methods to ensure production and release of high quality heparin sodium product. Consequently, there is an increased interest in the identification and structural elucidation of unusually modified structures that may be present in heparin. Our study focuses on the structural elucidation of species that give rise to a signal observed at 2.10 ppm in the N-acetyl region of the 1H NMR spectrum of some pharmaceutical grade heparin preparations. Structural elucidation experiments were carried out using homonuclear (COSY, TOSCY and NOESY) and heteronuclear (HSQC, HSQC-DEPT, HMQC-COSY, HSQC-TOCSY, and HMBC) 2D NMR spectroscopy on both heparin as well as heparin-like model compounds. Our results identify a novel type of oxidative modification of the heparin chain that results from a specific step in the manufacturing process used to prepare heparin.