8. Converged fuel mass flow rateateach time step( _ m0f ðtÞ) is in tegrated over the time period an doverall mass loss of fuel calculated M0f ¼ R _ m0f ðtÞ dt. This value is com- pared against the measured mass loss of fuelin the corresponding burn time(Mf). If jMf _M0f jr1 _ 10_4 go to step 9. Else change the as summed value of η according to
Go to step 3. This step is different from Ge or ge et al. [30] as they useanar bitrary value of η, which could lead tonon-convergence and oscilla tory solution.
9. Using this _ m0f ðtÞ calculate the regression rate using Eq. (7). Further calculate the Gox using Eq. (8) and the new average diameter using Eq. (9).