Commerce is any kind or type of exchange of
goods, productions, or property, or the rights to
property offered for a consideration to the general
public at large1. It is the exchange of something
of value between two entities2. However, with
the advent of the Internet and the World Wide
Web, commerce can be performed electronically,
and the process is termed as e-commerce. Thus,
e-commerce means conducting business on the
Internet. It is mostly referred to buying and selling
items on line3. Furthermore, due to the technology
revolutions, and wide spread use of the mobile
phones across the continents and the countries,
entrepreneurs are utilizing the most benefit out of
the use of the cell phones. They are using the cellular
phones not only for communication purpose
(i.e., for information sharing), but also for making
commercial use of them.
INTRODUCTIONCommerce is any kind or type of exchange ofgoods, productions, or property, or the rights toproperty offered for a consideration to the generalpublic at large1. It is the exchange of somethingof value between two entities2. However, withthe advent of the Internet and the World WideWeb, commerce can be performed electronically,and the process is termed as e-commerce. Thus,e-commerce means conducting business on theInternet. It is mostly referred to buying and sellingitems on line3. Furthermore, due to the technologyrevolutions, and wide spread use of the mobilephones across the continents and the countries,entrepreneurs are utilizing the most benefit out ofthe use of the cell phones. They are using the cellularphones not only for communication purpose(i.e., for information sharing), but also for makingcommercial use of them.
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