Hello Aoy my dearest, The loveliest day comes when you wake up and find out that love still colours your world, who truly care and never fail to forget you, I received your message with immense understanding but seriously speaking, words like marriage and love are not easily said especially from matured minds.
So my dear before I could put up such a word to you I am sure of it because I am too old to start fooling myself. Sometimes I know it may be crazy to tell woman such words because we do call it love at first sight. But due to my career and inability to meet people has made me today to stand before you and with the oath I took to serve my country I will stand before the Oath to prove to you that I truly love and adore your kind of person.
I know we have not seen each other but I promise that as soon as my request is been granted by you I promise to come down to your country to see you and your family members but if my proposal did not workout as I always put it in my prayer I will still care to have you as my best friend someone I can confide in all the time.
So my dear I pray that our relationship will be a good one and we will live an exemplary life as we unite together to be one family.
I love you but God loves you more.
Yours Sincerely,