Therapy for Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is conservative. Initial treatment includes the application of ice for 20 minutes every 2-4 hours.
Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be given for pain relief and reduction of local inflammation. However, NSAIDs have not been shown to shorten the course of OSD.
Steroid injections should not be used.
Inform the patient to avoid pain-producing activities (eg, sports that involve excess amounts of jumping).
Use of a knee immobilizer for a few days may improve compliance, especially in more severe cases. Pads or braces also can be used for support.
Once the acute symptoms have abated, quadriceps-stretching exercises, including hip extension for a complete stretch of the extensor mechanism, may be performed to reduce tension on the tibial tubercle. Stretching exercises for the hamstrings, which are commonly tight, may also be performed.
Other than the presence of an ossicle that causes pain with kneeling, there are no long-term disabilities or problems associated with this condition.
Therapy for Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is conservative. Initial treatment includes the application of ice for 20 minutes every 2-4 hours.Analgesics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be given for pain relief and reduction of local inflammation. However, NSAIDs have not been shown to shorten the course of OSD.Steroid injections should not be used.Inform the patient to avoid pain-producing activities (eg, sports that involve excess amounts of jumping).Use of a knee immobilizer for a few days may improve compliance, especially in more severe cases. Pads or braces also can be used for support.Once the acute symptoms have abated, quadriceps-stretching exercises, including hip extension for a complete stretch of the extensor mechanism, may be performed to reduce tension on the tibial tubercle. Stretching exercises for the hamstrings, which are commonly tight, may also be performed.Other than the presence of an ossicle that causes pain with kneeling, there are no long-term disabilities or problems associated with this condition.
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