In the Muslim culture, the Koran forbids alcohol. Gifts of liquor or any product that contains alcohol, such as perfume, would never be selected to give. Also, forbidden are products or foods from scavengers, which includes pork, birds, and shellfish. So a leather item made from pig skin or ostrich could not be given, nor any food from these groups.
Other categories are also not appropriate for gifts. These include personal clothing items, which are far too personal to give as gifts. Dogs are considered unclean, so any dog item, even something with a picture of a dog would not be given. And knives because they have a sharp edge – severing relationships- are not appropriate.
Artwork that consisted of sculptures, drawings or photos showing the human body, especially a nude or partially nude female body, is not acceptable as a gift. And although nicotine is discouraged, it’s frequently used in the Arabic and Middle Eastern countries.
A good gift for a devout Muslim is a compass. Each day he must face Mecca for prayers. With a compass, no matter where in the world he happens to be, he can easily find the correct direction.
If you’re in a country that’s not predominantly Muslim, and you’ll be entertaining Muslim business associates, select a restaurant that serves halal food. And don’t have alcohol served, especially if any government or religious officials are attending, even if you know your guests may drink in private. It’s far better to stay more conservative when entertaining.
Gifts are presented using the right hand, or both hands. The left hand is never used alone to hand someone a gift, as it’s considered unclean.