In 1990, a parish center was built which has allowed St. Olaf to become a leader in parish education, programming, and spiritual formation. In 1995, St. Olaf purchased the Exodus Hotel to our south, which is a transitional housing facility for residents who would otherwise be without a safe, clean place to stay. It is likely that St. Olaf is the only church in the nation that is connected to a major city’s skyway system, bringing us even more closely into the pulse of downtown Minneapolis.
In 1996, St. Olaf purchased the property on the corner of 9th Street and 2nd Avenue as an investment for the future. The parish created the “Assisi on 9th” park on the site as a haven of rest and beauty for those who work and live downtown.
In 2000, the sanctuary of the church underwent extensive renovation to enhance accessibility, improve lighting and sound, and establish a permanent location for our music ministry. A major addition to the sanctuary as part of this renovation was the new Lively-Fulcher pipe organ, installed in 2001 as St. Olaf celebrated its 60th anniversary. New liturgical furnishings were dedicated in 2001 and 2002.
Today, the Eucharist is celebrated 23 times a week, bringing people throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan area together for praise and thanksgiving to our gracious God.