i) The relationship between the Company and the existing borrowers from the previous financial institution that the Company has bought shall be established when the officer in charge is able to contact the borrower and agree on Troubled Debt Restructuring (TDR). It is considered that the customer identification process begins at this stage in which,
(a) Officer in charge shall do customer identification for the “customer” i.e. customer who is willing to create continuous relationship including guarantor (if any), before the first transaction after the relationship is established, except when the identification activities were previously conducted and the next transaction is the result of the previous relationship, the re-identification is not required.
(b) Officer in charge shall do customer identification for the “occasional client” who conducts transaction worth 700,000 baht or above. The customer identification shall be done for every transaction. Unless the occasional client reports that there is an amendment to the identification information. In the case where the identification activities were previously done, the re-identification is not required.