Description. Dorsal rays X,16 (all rays branched); anal
rays III,7 (all rays branched, the last to base); pectoral
rays 13 (both sides counted; all but upper two branched);
pelvic rays 1,5; branched caudal rays 8+ 7; upper
segmented simple caudal rays 3 (medial upper ray about
three-fourths length of adjacent branched ray), lower
segmented simple caudal rays 2 (medial lower ray about
half length of adjacent branched ray); upper and lower
procurrent caudal rays 5; lateral line complete, the pored
scales 28 (not counting a single pored scale diagonally
above and anterior to first lateral-line scale); scales
above lateral line to origin of dorsal fin 3; scales below
lateral line to origin of anal fin 11; circumpeduncular
scales 14; diagonal rows of scales on cheek 6; gill rakers
5+11 (2+8 developed); pseudobranchial filaments 21;
branchiostegal rays 7; vertebrae 10+16; supraneural
(predorsal) bones 3, their arrangement with neural
spines and anterior dorsal-fin spines and pterygiophores
as follows: 010+0/2/1+1/1/11 (where 0 is a supraneural
bone, 1 is a neural spine, and numerals are dorsal
spines-after Ahlstrom et aI., 1976).