Since mangoes grow on a wide range of soil types, tree
nutrition must be monitored regularly using soil and
leaf analysis. Building up the soil organic matter by
mulching and cover cropping within rows is beneficial
in sandy and gravely soils.
With young trees apply a small amount of fertiliser,
but apply it often. For example, an N:P:K mix of
14:6:12 could be applied a rate of 50 grams per tree
every 2 months to 1-year-old trees, increasing to
100 grams in year 2 and 130 grams in year 3.
A luxury level of nitrogen in mangoes is undesirable
as it leads to excessive vegetative growth and internal
fruit disorders. Many growers prefer their trees to
show a slightly yellow leaf colour. Potassium is often
foliar-applied at flowering to increase fruit yields and
then pre-harvest to enhance fruit colouring. Calcium
is required for fruit cell development and to improve
internal fruit quality. Boron is important at flowering
and fruit setting.