The statistical errors are expressed as the standard
error of the mean (SEM). Datawere analysed for normality
(Kolomogorov^Smirnov test) and homogeneity
of variance (Bartlett’s test), and when necessary,
they were log transformed before being treated statistically.
Statistical comparisons of skin melanin
concentration and carotenoid content between
experimental groups were made using one-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA). Two-way ANOVAwas applied
to check for signi¢cant changes between experimental
groups and time (initial vs. ¢nal sampling) within
a single parameter (L, Chroma). If signi¢cant
(Po0.05),Tukey’s signi¢cant means test was applied
to identify groups that were signi¢cantly di¡erent.
Statistical comparison of the hue variable among experimental
groups was performed according to Zar
(1996). Di¡erences between groups were tested by
theWatson^Williams test.