We used the prevented rice loss per bat and night as calculated
above to extrapolate the pest control service across Thailand. For a
measure of directly saved rice, we multiplied the directly saved
rice per bat with the number of bats per population, the local rice
production relative to the reference site (Khao Chong Pran), and
the WBP occurrence. The indirectly saved rice value was calculated
similarly but further multiplied by the local tillering rice proportion
(i.e., susceptible to WBP infestation). Finally, we used the
sum of directly and indirectly saved rice to derive total saved rice;
calculations of the monetary value and meals were based on the
respective rice price and per capita rice consumption rates in Thailand
(FAO, 2011). The entire modelling process was based on
10,000 iterations. For more details on the species, the modelling
approach and detailed data sources see the