• Out at Tesco. This group represents those with different sexual orientations
• Women in Business. There are a number of branches supporting women’s issues, raising the profile of women in the business and supporting them to develop their careers.
• Tesco Asian Network. This helps to raise the profile of careers at Tesco to Asian groups
• ABC Network. Its aim is to make Tesco the employer of choice for African, Black British and Caribbean colleagues and to provide training and development opportunities which will enable more black people to reach senior positions within the business. Tesco also has strong links with many organisations representing disabled people, such as WhizzKidz. It also has its own Diversity Council. The Council sets the diversity strategy for Tesco. The business also works with a number of diversity partners. These partnerships help Tesco to build and improve its diversity strategy. These partners are:
• Stonewall. Tesco is a ‘Diversity Champion’ member of Stonewall, a charity which exists to ensure equal rights for lesbians and gay men in a society.
• EFD (Employers Forum on Disability). EFD is currently working with Tesco to help it to do a better job for disabled colleagues.
• Opportunity Now. This group offers support for gender equality in business.