Challenge #1 : Job Performance (Un)Reliability
Job performance reliability is a fundamental consideration in HR research, and its assumption is
implicit in all predictive studies- Reliability in this context refers to the consistency or stability of job performance over time. Are the best (or worst) performers at time 1 also the best (or worst) performers at time 2? As noted in the previous section, the rank order of individuals based on job
performance scores does not necessarily remain instant over time.
What factors account for such performance variability? Thorndike (L949) identified two
types of unreliability-intrinsic and extrinsic-that may serve to shed some light on the
problem. Intrinsic unreliability is due to personal inconsistency in performance, while
extrinsic unreliability is due to sources of variability that are external'to job demands or
individual behavior. Examples of the latter include variations in weather conditions (e.g., for
outside construction word; unreliability due to machine downtime; and, in the case of interdependent
tasks, delays in supplies, assemblies, or information. Much extrinsic unreliability is due
to careless observation or poor control.
Faced with all of these potential confounding factors, what can be done? One solution
is to aggregate
{average) behavior over situations or occasions, thereby canceling out the
Challenge #1 : Job Performance (Un)ReliabilityJob performance reliability is a fundamental consideration in HR research, and its assumption isimplicit in all predictive studies- Reliability in this context refers to the consistency or stability of job performance over time. Are the best (or worst) performers at time 1 also the best (or worst) performers at time 2? As noted in the previous section, the rank order of individuals based on jobperformance scores does not necessarily remain instant over time.What factors account for such performance variability? Thorndike (L949) identified twotypes of unreliability-intrinsic and extrinsic-that may serve to shed some light on theproblem. Intrinsic unreliability is due to personal inconsistency in performance, whileextrinsic unreliability is due to sources of variability that are external'to job demands orindividual behavior. Examples of the latter include variations in weather conditions (e.g., foroutside construction word; unreliability due to machine downtime; and, in the case of interdependenttasks, delays in supplies, assemblies, or information. Much extrinsic unreliability is dueto careless observation or poor control.Faced with all of these potential confounding factors, what can be done? One solutionis to aggregate{average) behavior over situations or occasions, thereby canceling out the
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