CABIN CREW: What are the job requirements?
You r o uestions onsw ered.
Are there any age requirements or restrictions?
Some airlines may set a oflS-21 anda
maximum as low as 32.
What about height and weight?
Cabin crew need to be able to reach all ofthe ecuioment on
the aircraft, so you must be a minimum of 158 cm tall. You
also need to be able to move around the cabin comfortably,
so tne is usually 190 cm. You must b€'a
for your height.
What are the health requirements?
' is essential. You normally need to have
a medical examination as part of the selection process.
My eyesight isn't very good without glasses. Will
that be a problem?
You might have to take an eye test once you have been
hired. lfyou dont have , you will
probably be required to wear glasses or contact lenses on
the job.
What about education?
Most aidines require that you have completed secondary
education with at least average marks. However, if you have
excellent _', some aidines may hire you
even if you lack strong formal educational qualifications.
ilark the sentences True (r'| or talse (I).
1 Some airlines have age requirements.
2 lf you are 2oo cm tal[, you can't work
as a flight attendant.
3 You definitely won't need to have an
eye exam.
4 lf you wear glasses or contact lenses,
I had a job as a sales assistant. Will that help?
While customer safety is the highest priority,
is very important for airlines. Applicants
successful in other customer-contact jobs may have an
advantage. Experience wo*ing with eldedy people, children,
or people with physical disabilities may also be an advantage
because it shows you are wiiling to take responsibility for
Do I need to have first aid training?
Aidines don't generally require that you have first aid
training, bLrt it can be helpful in getting a job.
I can't swim. Will that be a problem?
Most aidines recuire that vou are able to swim 25 to 30
metres. You should leam to swim before you apply for a job,
Do I have to speak a foreign language?
In addition to be able to communicate cleady in your lirst
language, it usually helps your application ifyou can speak an
or languages
Are there any other requirements?
Your aooearance should be neat and attractive. lYost
airlines don't want cabin crew with a visible tattoo or
You also need to be very flexible and adaptable, You may
be at wor{ at almost any time of day on any day of the year,
and you'll be exoected to be cheer{ul and efflcient while
you're there.