In other words, mainstreaming biodiversity means that all individuals
and organizations confirm the crisis of and hope for biodiversity
in their daily lives and business activities, find ways of contributing
to conservation and reconstruction, and implement these on a
daily basis. The potentials of production sites are drastically being
reconsidered today from this new perspective. For example, a
review of production sites in the context of vast expanses of land
(ecosystems) such as nearby river systems and their basins indicates
that each site is a party to the crisis and represents hope for
its ecosystem because it is an important part of the ecosystem and
fulfills a role unique to the area where it is located. Also, it is a focus
of great expectation and hope as a new place that provides a living
environment to neighboring organisms that can fly, or as a candidate
for ex-situ conservation for those which are endangered in
the local ecosystem and cannot fly. Furthermore, nature reserves of
corporate sites are characteristically managed strictly because they
are placed under rigorous security management. If we just realize
this, the logical conclusion is that corporate sites can be centers
of hope for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity in the
ecological spaces (including river systems and their valleys, hills,
etc.) where they are located.
The biodiversity crisis will be overcome through diverse ways and
means when individuals and organizations figure out, in all aspects
of their daily lives and business activities, and recognize this as a
challenge that they should solve and take action for on their own
initiative in cooperation with their local communities. I sincerely
hope that Toshiba, which has brilliantly realized this simple, clear,
and powerful truth and started a local and global biotope strategy,
will play an active role in mainstreaming biodiversity.
In other words, mainstreaming biodiversity means that all individuals
and organizations confirm the crisis of and hope for biodiversity
in their daily lives and business activities, find ways of contributing
to conservation and reconstruction, and implement these on a
daily basis. The potentials of production sites are drastically being
reconsidered today from this new perspective. For example, a
review of production sites in the context of vast expanses of land
(ecosystems) such as nearby river systems and their basins indicates
that each site is a party to the crisis and represents hope for
its ecosystem because it is an important part of the ecosystem and
fulfills a role unique to the area where it is located. Also, it is a focus
of great expectation and hope as a new place that provides a living
environment to neighboring organisms that can fly, or as a candidate
for ex-situ conservation for those which are endangered in
the local ecosystem and cannot fly. Furthermore, nature reserves of
corporate sites are characteristically managed strictly because they
are placed under rigorous security management. If we just realize
this, the logical conclusion is that corporate sites can be centers
of hope for the conservation and restoration of biodiversity in the
ecological spaces (including river systems and their valleys, hills,
etc.) where they are located.
The biodiversity crisis will be overcome through diverse ways and
means when individuals and organizations figure out, in all aspects
of their daily lives and business activities, and recognize this as a
challenge that they should solve and take action for on their own
initiative in cooperation with their local communities. I sincerely
hope that Toshiba, which has brilliantly realized this simple, clear,
and powerful truth and started a local and global biotope strategy,
will play an active role in mainstreaming biodiversity.
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