Abstract This study introduces a new production method for production of the insulation blocks made of pumice aggregate, lightweight concrete and expanded polystyrene foam (EPS). Products produced via this method were analyzed for compliance with the Turkish standards institution (TS EN) standards. A single- line lightweight masonry block with 200 mm 9
400 mm 9 200 mm dimension (width 9 length 9 height) was produced to produce an insulation block by using circular saw block cutting machine for the first time. Physical and thermal properties of the all-in aggregate pumice used in lightweight aggregate were determined and the all-in aggregate pumice was subjected to sieve analysis. After the production, insulation blocks were subjected to some analysis according to pre-set standards to determine their usability as masonry unit. After the curing period (28 days), it was found that the highest value of deviation from the plane was 0.150 mm; deviation of the flanges from plain parallelism was 0.40 mm; dry density was 562 kg/m3; compressive strength value was 2.99 N/mm2; water absorption coefficient by