Several members of Sturdivant's computer group had also been assigned temporarily to the Florida facility. Of this group,Bill Eden, the chief computer engineer,Al Abrams,the chief programmer,and Fred Smith, assistant, had stayed with the project on a full-time basis,while other temporary personnel rarely stayed more than a week at a time. These three men and their families occupied adjoining two-room motel apartment at a tourist court not far from the military base. Although their wives saw each other daily and their children played together, the families did not share many common social activities. The apartments consisted of one bed room,a large living room which made up into a bed room, a combination kitchen and dining area which opened off the living room,and a bath. The motel was located on the ocean and,while reasonably comfortable, did not constitute luxurious accommodations by any means. Transportation to and from work was generally by company car, although because of the extended period of time they would be there,all three families had brought their own cars to Florida.