Squeak manages to break free from the cookie jar!
But how can he tell Jon about the raccoons! Jon doesn't even know he has mice home!!
Smart Squeak has an idea, though! He orders Vito's pizzas on line.
On seeing even more food coming, the raccoons are so full that they decline the offer and Jon puts two and two together: Garfield would never ever have turned down lasagna!!!
Meanwhile Garfield, Odie and Nermal have reached the beginning of a desert and soon become the victims of the most incredible mirages...giant bones, milkshakes, lasagna, bus stop...phew!
this last one isn't an optical illusion! Let's run and catch a bus home! Quick!
Wait! Odie has just been snatched by a giant eagle!!
Marshlands, desert...our friends are in the wildest wild!
It's high time Jon get the picture and drive back to fetch them...er...drive fast Jon!
Odie has just been dropped into an eaglets' nest...