Today, nurses of all types are in big demand across the country as an increasing percentage of the American population joins the ranks of the elderly, with a concomitant increase in age-related ailments that characterizes this shift. Likewise, the nursing profession is held in high esteem by many people, and many nurses enjoy excellent wages and benefits for their work. It is little wonder, then, that the profession attracts aspiring candidates to its ranks, but the work can be challenging and emotionally draining in many healthcare settings, and not everyone may be cut out to be a nurse. Despite the obstacles and challenges involved, this author has analyzed the pros and cons of becoming a nurse and these issues are discussed in this essay, followed by a summary in the conclusion.
According to a report from Dworkin (2002), nurses are in big demand in virtually every field of healthcare practice in the United States today. In this regard, Dworkin emphasizes that, "The nursing shortage in the United States has turned into a full-blown crisis. Because fewer young people go into nursing, one-third of registered nurses in the United States are now over 50 years of age, and that proportion is expected to rise to 40 percent over the next decade" (p. 23). This point is also made by Goodwin (2002) who notes that, "The growing shortage of qualified nurses has already hit some states and threatens just about everyone in the coming years" (p. 20). In fact, the magnitude of the need for qualified nurses has never been greater. For instance, hospitals in the United States have 126,000 unfilled nursing positions, a figure that is projected to increase to an alarming 400,000 by the year 2020 based on an analysis conducted by Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). One of the unfortunate consequences of the current shortage of nurses is the additional workload many nurses must assume, leading in some cases to early b