The PWFand Rm of the AC/PPSU/PEI/PEG compositemembranes with
various compositions were tested and measured using a membranefiltration system. Table 3 shows the PWFs, the intrinsic membrane resistances,
the contact angles, and the HAs removal efficiencies of
different AC/PPSU/PEI/PEG composite membranes. The PWF of
AC/PPSU/PEI/PEG composite membrane SA1–3 increased from
271.14 L m−2 h−1 to 535.86 L m−2 h−1 as the AC particle content
increased. The addition of AC particles directly affects the pore size
and pore distribution as well as the filtration flux and the HAs
removal efficiency. On the other hand, the PWFs of the AC/PPSU/PEI
composite membranes SA4–6 and SA7–9 also increased along with
the rising contents of PEG. The PWFs of composite membranes SA4–6
and SA7–9 were not higher than those of SA1–3 except SA8. This may
be due to the aggregations of AC particles in the structure of composite
membranes SA4–6 and SA7–9, and the consequent shrinking of membrane