Whereas, the Board of Directors of Icarus Co., Ltd. deems it appropriate to hold an Annual General Meeting No. 1/2009 on 30 April 2009, at 9:00 a.m., at Oude Singel 28, 2312 RJ, Leiden, Netherlands. The agenda is as follows:
1. To consider approving minutes of the previous meeting;
2. To consider approving the balance sheets and the profit and loss accounts;
3. To consider appointing a new director to replace the director who must be retired by rotation;
4. To consider appointing an auditor and fix his remuneration;
5. Other business (if any).
Kindly attend the meeting at the date, time and place mentioned above.
If you wish to appoint a person to attend and vote at the meeting on your behalf, please complete and duly execute the enclosed proxy. The completed and executed proxy must be deposited with the Chairman of the Meeting at or before commencement of the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
(Mr. Jacob Gijsbert Vis)