What should the style of the folder be? Good layout, typography, and artwork do much to increase the attractiveness and appeal of a folder. Expert advice should be Obtained from a good printer or layout artist. If it costs extra it will be well worth the expense. Here are some general principles, however, that may be helpful:
1.The cover should attract attention (by means of special effects in type, reverse-plate Printing, illustrations, and color) but be dignified. It should tell enough of the idea of the program to cause a reader to want to turn the page, but the less printing on the cover the better.
2.Careful attention should be given to the selection of paper stock and ink. A good-quality book stock is generally preferred if there is to be only printing or line drawings, but an enamel stock 15 required if photographs are to be reproduced. Using two Colors of ink, one for captions and the other for body type, makes a more appealing folder but is expensive. Somewhat the same effect can be accomplished by printing an attractive colored ink on tinted paper.