A. Multimode Software Application: 4G technology has an unique application
of accessing several wireless networks. It is capable of high level of
customization at the user-level end. This feature integrates the infrastructure of
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all available networks and steadily it will be easier for users to access services
and applications regardless of the environment. One can easily access different
mobile and wireless networks simultaneously. Multimode software is a
software that allows the user device to adapt itself to various wireless interfaces
networks in order to provide constant net access with high data (packet based)
rate. Figure 3 shows how multiple networks are accessed through multimode
operation. All the networks will be compatible once the switch is completed,
eliminating roaming and areas where only one type of phone is supported.
Once the voice and data networks are superposed there will suddenly be
millions of new devices on the network cloud. This will require either
reconstruction of the address space for the entire Internet or using different
address spaces for the existing wireless networks. The multimode device
architecture may improve call completion and expand effective coverage area.