Fig. 1. (A–F) Effects of postharvest curing treatment on potato flesh colour (L⁄
, a⁄
, b⁄ colour) during the curing and after cutting. (A) Colour value ‘‘L’’ during curing; (B) colour
value ‘‘L’’ after cutting; (C) colour value ‘‘a’’ during curing; (D) colour value ‘‘a’’ after cutting; (E) colour value ‘‘b’’ during curing; (F) colour value ‘‘b’’ after cutting, respectively.
Data are the averages of three replications ± standard deviation. Each replicate has 6 potatoes. Test of the significance of difference are shown, ‘‘a’’ vs ‘‘a’’ meaning there is no
significant difference (P > 0.05); ‘‘a’’ vs ‘‘b’’ meaning there is significant difference (P 6 0.05).