Reindeer of Santa Claus in a team-oriented to help drag the sliders take Santa to distribute gifts to children. The name of the song and appeared in deer Christmas poems. "A Visit from St.Nicholas "has 9, name a sachoe Dan Sir how I met a train platform services and push up the wig off the queue and bali kasem later. Have to change the name under pressure as Don and finally as Don Manor best bali kasem? Become spirits balit In addition Who named Rudolph is the son of Don NER came with a red nose is a remarkable and the most famous, because it has a bright red nose shining but is origins. First, anyone Scouting the strange But this one has a nose for Santa. At night the day before Christmas, once it appears that the fog is too organized Santa to distribute gifts to children all over the world, and almost canceled the trip. I think it might be, as lighting in car travel was arranged by sliding holes do persuade fama sliding yoke. Select the front end since then Santa reached their fog. Rain, snow, hail And just a navigation forward every time I travel. By hole do a fami music named "Rudolph the Reindeer Red-Nosed" people interested in pale green put the rain deer of Santa is often suspect that this team's deer or a wife. This story contains Dr.Alice blue alloy lane Don wildlife experts, especially deer, from the University of Texas a & m United have commented that the reindeer of Santa Claus are all as a wife. Note that as a female, because But the female will keep him up until February-March, but Dr.Greg finot cut. Head of the project to study rain deer from University of la sky fair Bank United States opposition that rain deer of Santa Claus, it might be a person who is incapable of having children, or so called "satia". Dr.Finot, cutting further noted that most of the students use drag-scrolling "satia" in winter because in the winter, most of the female is pregnant because the season is during the summer until autumn. Thanks to high quality news content. By:Fresh news newspaper.