The profile of JXG2 is about 120 cm thick (Fig. 2), containing a large amount of microliths, animal bone fragments, charcoals and ceramics. The stratigraphic subdivisions and pedological horizons
were observed during our fieldwork by close examination of the
colour, texture and structure in the profile. It could be divided into
four strata. (1) 0e30 cm e a pale yellow modern soil layer, consists
of the modern soil of silts, loose, containing a large amount of roots
and sands, and a small amount of microliths. (2) 30e75 cm e a dark
grey-brown silty loam, relatively tight, containing a large amount of
microliths, pottery fragments, bones. Pottery fragments could be
found only in this layer. (3) 75e114 cm e a light to medium greybrown
silty clay, hard and tight, rich in microliths, bone fragments.
(4) Below 114 cm e loess layer, loose and homogeneous, containing
a very small amount of microliths, bone fragments which were
brought in by human. This loes layer s is a compact, light to medium
grey-brown silty loam.