Leng Youlan mentioned these matters to come, cannot help but was shameless including Chen Xiang one red, but she has not thought anything, this made Chen Xiang cannot help but exclaim in surprise the white dragon blood arteries the great strength.
„Elder brother, Sister Xianxian here, we together does not take a bath now, the female apprentice said that you most liked handling such matter.” Leng Youlan hee said with a smile, a face naive appearance, this made Chen Xiang cannot help but crazily inspire, the eye in her had to concave-convex on the tender body spun.
The Chen Xiang deep breath several tones, have resisted this enticement awfully, said: „Your female apprentice said not entire, I only like taking a bath with my wife together, you is a my younger sister.”
Leng Youlan spits that rosy small tongue, spat tenderly: „Hypocrisy, Sister Xianxian has taught me many things, I can see the elder brother in have lied.”
Those who make Chen Xiang surprised is, this white hair beautiful woman suddenly is unexpectedly charming smiles, that character and style ten thousand charming appearances, look at Chen Xiang to make noise.
The Leng Youlan charming tenderness said with a smile: „Elder brother, you did not fear that your two treasure fruits were spoiled by me.”
„This girl is enticing me!” In Chen Xiang heart startled [say / way].
„Cluck-cluck, with such that Sister Xianxian said that the elder brother you most could not bear my this.” Leng Youlan said with a smile tenderly.
„[Damn|Dead] girl, dares to play tricks on me unexpectedly.” Chen Xiang cannot help laughing, both hands are pinching her attractive cheek.
Chen Xiang put out white Dragon Blood Dan, Long Xueyi said suddenly: „After she eats up, when needs very long 1st Stage can digest white Dragon Blood Dan inside strength completely, at least also takes one year, you make her eat in that time formation.”
„Youlan, this is white Dragon Blood Dan, eats up later can make you have very strong strength, but you strength that requires very long time to smelt that to bring, takes one year probably.” Chen Xiang is serious, making Leng Youlan also earnestly listen.
„Remember, this can only eat to you, do not give Xianxian, she is not suitable to eat, only then you suit! Youlan, you must know that now this world has filled danger in all directions, I such do also to let you have a stronger strength, can assure own security.”
Leng Youlan layer on layer nodded: „Elder brother, I knew, I will not disappoint you!”