When I mention contacts most people think of cold calls. Finding people you don't know and turning them into customers. Sorry but marketing just doesn't work that fast. Your marketing and advertising will produce customers eventually but it may be six to eight months before that happens. That's time you don't have. You need to generate some income now. So, who are the best contacts to do that with?
Employees - If times are tough, sit down with your most loyal employees and explain the situation. Some may start sending out their resumes but most don't want to go looking for another job. If your employees don't have business cards...they should. Ask them to promote the business wherever they go and whoever they come in contact with.
Personal Friends - These are the people who want to see you succeed. Ask them to champion your business to their friends. Would they write testimonials for you that you can show others? Can you feature them in your advertising?
Current Customers - As most of you know, it takes six times as much to get a new customer as it does to retain an existing one. So build on your current customer base. Have a customer appreciation day or night. You don't have to spend a bundle putting something like this on but use the celebration to let customers know you sincerely appreciate them. Offer a discount coupon to every customer who purchases a gift certificate for a new customer.
Business Contacts - Non-competing business owners who also need your services. Perhaps you can save money on repairs or services by trading services. Share advertising costs or do "cross promotions. See: "Low Cost Small Town Promotion."
Competitors - You make think I'm crazy that you can get business from your competition but depending on your relationship it's sometimes possible. If your competitors are doing well, they may have more work than they can handle. I know that's not what you want to hear but if you have a relationship with them offer a reciprocal relationship. If you are busy you will sub-contract some work to them and you will do the same for them. That way everybody wins.
Service Groups/Charities/Good Causes - Many business people give something back to the community by involving themselves in good causes around town. This is an excellent way to meet new potential customers and do some good at the same time. Kiwanis, Lions, Elks, VFW are filled with customers you may not know. Be a joiner and watch your business grow.
Attend Church - If you are religious.. that's great. If not do it for your business. Your local church is a great place to meet potential customers. People like to buy from those who think like they do. If you're in the same group or club you are pre-approved by these folks.
I'm sure you can think of more but these are a few to get you started. Every business is people. You need contacts and customers to be successful. Are they finding you? If not, you are going to have to go out and find them. See: (How To Make Friends And Turn Them Into Customers).