How are you? You haven't talked to me in a while. Is everything ok?.
Hey I switched my account on Line app. I can't find your account. My new account i croot779
I bought a new phone. You can message me at work now.
I have the day off today though.
That's nice my love. I'm sure your father will enjoy it.
Lol. He must really love you.
She is ok right now. She has another chemo treatment on the 31st. She doesn't fell good for a week after getting treated. She lost all her hair.
Thank you my love. I'm glad to hear that your grandma is doing better.
I can't believe I am actually gonna meet you next week. We have been talking to each other for close to 10 months now. You have my heart and respect my love.
Ok. Can we go to museums and tourist sites?
It don't matter to me if we can't do anything, as long as I get to spend time with you I will be satisfied.
First snow I won't miss this when I am in Thailand.
That's my cousin in the video. I grew up with him