am sorry I have not written to you for awhile now. I have been busy building my new garage which
is just about completed except for the windows and the siding. The roof is on now which is good in case it rains.
I am waiting for the siding before I can continue. I am looking forward to the job to be finished so I can enjoy
the rest of the summer.
I went for a bike ride and a swim in a lake yesterday which I really enjoyed. The water was quite warm. Not as warm as
Thailand, but refreshing. July is the warmest month of the year in Canada. Today the temp was 30 Celsius
where I live and it seemed to be quite hot. July will get even warmer.
I have sent some pictures of the garage that were taken one week ago so you can see what I have been doing.
I have included some pictures of some flowers on my sundeck too.
I hope you are well and look forward to hear from you when you have the time