Although some teachers of English see language games as time consumers or classroom techniques for
fun, games have a special role in any foreign language teaching programme because they facilitate
foreign language learning especially for young learners. With the introduction of communicative
language teaching, English language teaching and learning has become much more demanding for
teachers and learners just like any other innovation poses challenges for its users. Games have become
crucially important for English language learners and teachers not only because they provide
enjoyment and relaxation, but also as they encourage students to use their language in a creative and
communicative manner. Similarly, because the definition of the term “young learners” encapsulates
those children between the ages of about 5 years old to 12 years old (Rixon, 1999), it can be suggested
that games are a natural part of young learners’ lives.
INTRODUCTIONAlthough some teachers of English see language games as time consumers or classroom techniques forfun, games have a special role in any foreign language teaching programme because they facilitateforeign language learning especially for young learners. With the introduction of communicativelanguage teaching, English language teaching and learning has become much more demanding forteachers and learners just like any other innovation poses challenges for its users. Games have becomecrucially important for English language learners and teachers not only because they provideenjoyment and relaxation, but also as they encourage students to use their language in a creative andcommunicative manner. Similarly, because the definition of the term “young learners” encapsulatesthose children between the ages of about 5 years old to 12 years old (Rixon, 1999), it can be suggestedthat games are a natural part of young learners’ lives.
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