All graphs considered in this paper are connected and simple.
Let G be a graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set E(G). A spanning tree T of G is a
connected acyclic subgraph of G such that V (G) = V (T). Spanning trees play
a central role in communication networks. Many problems arising from this
field translate mathematically to the study of spanning trees satisfying some
conditions. In this context, the notion of degree preservable graphs has been
introduced in [2]. A graph G is said to be degree preservable if for any spanning
tree of G there exists a vertex v of G such that degG(v) = degT (v). It was shown
that the cycle graph Cn is degree preservable, so is the complete bipartite graph
K2,m. However, the complete bipartite graph Kn,m is not degree preservable
for n,m 3. The complete graph Kn for n 4 is not degree preservable, so is
the wheel graph Wn, for n 3.