Lactobacillus plantarum MTCC 5422 and E. hirae CFR 3011 were
collected from departmental stock collection of host department
and used for fermentation of Moringa leaves based BRJ. Both the
cultures were grown independently in sterile Lactobacillus deMan
Rogosa Sharpe (MRS) broth for 48 h at 37 _C. The grown cultures
were centrifuged individually at 14,310 _ g for 20 min, and the
pellet was washed using sterile saline and re-centrifuged as indicated
earlier. The washed cells were suspended in sterile saline and
three different concentrations of the cell suspension of both the
cultures, individually, viz., 3 log colony forming units (cfu)/ml,
5 log cfu/ml, and 7 log cfu/ml were prepared. These were used at
1 mL/100 mL level throughout the study, either alone or in combination,
until unless specified.