However, in the
emerging product categories such as microwave
ovens and personal computers, the ownership
rate in Shanghai is higher than that in Xi’an
and Chengdu. Beijing residents have the highest
percentage in purchasing detergent and cosmetics
and the lowest percentage in purchasing microwave
oven and personal computer, perhaps
reflecting the relatively conservative nature of
Beijing residents. In contrast, residents in Shanghai
have a higher ownership rate in microwave
oven and personal computer. While Xi’an is
close to other cities in most product categories,
it has the lowest percentage in purchasing microwave
oven and personal computer. Chengdu
residents have the lowest percentage in purchasing
detergent, cosmetic, beer, television and refrigerator.
The purchase or ownership among all
the product categories is significantly different
across the four cities with p values equal to or
less than .001.
of traditional durable goods such as television
and refrigerators, Beijing and Shanghai residents
have significantly higher ownership rates than
those from Xi’an and Chengdu.