2.6. Adult treatment
Four doses of conidia from the fungal strains were tested on co- horts of twenty five 2–3 days old, feeding male and female flies housed in small cages (20 · 20 · 20 cm). Each cage contained a 9 cm diameter Petri dish lined with Whatman filter paper and 10 g bait (6 g sugar, 2 g powder milk and 2 mL distilled water). For better dispersion of fungus, 1 mL of the stock sus- pension of the fungal strains under test was dispersed on the sur- faceofbaittogivedoses1·107,1·106,and1·105 conidiag 1. The treated baits were left in the cages for 48 h before being removed and replaced with dry bait, water was provided ad lib. The experiments were run in a completely randomized design with three replicates per treatment. Cages were checked daily over a period of 7 days following presentation of fungus. Cadav- ers were removed daily and surface sterilized and transferred to a sterile Petri dish with a damp filter paper. Sporulating cadavers were recorded as mortality due to fungal infections.